Equine Sports Massage Therapy
Certification Program

Class Schedule for 2023 and 2024

  Courses run Monday through Friday, beginning at 9am and concluding at 5pm daily.

Month Days Class Type
November 2023  27th to Dec 1 M - F
December 2023 11th thru 15th M - F
January 8th thru 12th M - F
January 22nd thru 26th M - F
February 5th thru 9th M - F
February 19th thru 23rd M - F
March 4th thru 8th M - F
March 18th thru 22nd M - F
April 8th thru 12th M - F
April 22nd thru 26th M - F
May 6th thru 10th M - F
May 20th thru 24th M - F
June 3rd thru 7th M - F
June 17th thru 21st M - F
July 8th thru 12th M - F
July 22nd thru 26th M - F
August 5th thru 9th M - F
August 19th thru 23rd M - F
September 9th thru 13th M - F
September 23rd thru 17th M - F
October 7th thru 11th M - F
October 21st thru 25th M - F
November 4th thru 8th M - F
November 18th thru 22nd M - F
December 9th thru 13th M - F

Due to the change in our teaching platform and tuition, PLEASE call us at 860-617-1078 to insure class availability.

Application: The application is available for download in both .doc and .pdf format.  Please print out the application and return with payment.     Application (PDF format)